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87% of employees feel disengaged in their jobs!

Why are only 13% of the  Global Workforce engaged in their jobs?
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87% of the global workforce feels as though they are not actively engaged in their jobs, according to Gallup’s State of the Global Workplace report.

Only 13% feel engaged, have job satisfaction in their work and are focused on creating value for their employer.

The report finds that companies with higher employee engagement see better results than those with low employee engagement. According to the report, companies with high levels of engagement make employee engagement an issue of high importance by discussing why it before measuring it.

They also make employee engagement an important goal for all managers; they select leaders based on their ability to effectively manage people; their measurement activity leads to actions and they provide training and coaching for company managers on effective employee engagement.

The report also found that there are three types of employers and those are engaged (13%), not engaged (63%) and actively disengaged (24%).

Companies with engaged employees see 240% improvement in business results.

Published 27-3-14

What makes you get out of bed in the morning? I certainly love my job and it helps me get up and get going each day…but for these 87% it must be such a struggle…

Let us at Crocus Coaching and Development discuss with you bespoke solutions to increase employee engagement through coaching, mentoring, self directed learning, development, well being and inspirational management. Read our testimonials to see how we have achieved results in each of these areas.

If your employees are engaged then you can count on your business profit and customer growth increasing as well as their engagement and fulfillment.

Please contact us for more information and costs.


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