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Wellbeing and Stress Reduction
We often make the mistake of thinking we work best when working like machines, including many managers, companies and sometimes us. We work faster for long periods of time without stopping, however we know now this is not best practice. This is certainly not good for us or for employers.
We sometimes enjoy being driven by critical events, deadlines, a crisis and fire fighting and know that planning and prioritising takes effort and isn’t always associated with pleasure!
We need to make a mental link between the effort involved and the pleasure that will come from working effectively. If this is something with which you would like support then Crocus can help you with ‘Maximising your time and energy’ workshop or coaching.
We are not out to run a marathon —It’s a sprint with rests!
If our laptop or mobile phone needs more energy to work we charge it, if our car needs energy we refuel, and as a human we also need to refuel and this doesn’t mean just food!
To manage effectively we need to focus on four sources of energy: physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. If we satisfy our energy needs, we are far more productive and creative.

At Crocus we offer coaching and workshops to help you focus on your energy levels and reducing your stress.
Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) is one are we can help through a workshop or coaching, please look at the website or contact us for details.
We also have a Maximising your time and energy workshop available.
Or you may want to work with a coach on a 1:1 basis to really focus on new directions, again please get in touch.


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